Robert Rauschenberg Foundation welcomes LaToya as an artist-in-residence

The Rauschenberg Residency is a creative center that welcomes artists of all disciplines from around the world to live, work, and create. The residency is located on Robert Rauschenberg’s former property on Captiva Island, Florida, where he lived and worked for nearly four decades. The facility, which includes the 8,000-square-foot studio Rauschenberg built in 1992 and a collection of historic homes and studio spaces, is infused with beauty and tranquility and marked by its unique history.

Robert Rauschenberg. Captiva, Florida, 1979

Rauschenberg in front of the Fish House, Captiva, Florida, 1979. Photo: Terry Van Brunt

The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation launched the residency program in 2012–13 with a series of five pilot residencies that served to inform and shape the program. There are up to seven five- and six-week residencies a year that serve over seventy artists and other individuals of exceptional talent and promise.  Selectors anonymously identify artists and creative thinkers from a diverse mix of disciplines, backgrounds, ages, and career levels, who are interested in working in an interdisciplinary environment and are open to the idea of collaboration.

Rauschenberg Residency 26: June 5 – July 7, 2017
Abigail DeVille
Adrienne Edwards
John Hoobyar
Skylar Fein
LaToya Ruby Fraizer
Yve Laris Cohen
Conor Kolk
Rodney McMillian
Ebony G. Patterson
Will Rawls
Naoko Wowsugi

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Courtesy of: The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation